Lucky Lou and Coco Too were rescues from the World Parrot Refuge in Coombs, BC and quickly became beloved social media stars with fans around the world.
Lucky Lou and Coco both resided at the World Parrot Refuge in British Columbia. Lucky Lou was roughly 40 years old. She had been at the refuge since the very beginning. In her original home she was not provided the proper enrichment which led to feather plucking behaviour. Lucky Lou was now pretty in the eyes of the owner, and ended up living in the basement. She began screaming for attention, the only attention she did receive was negative. When she arrived at the refuge the words she spoke were “You are UGLY!” “You are a Bi##ch!!” to name a few. The staff and volunteers began singing Happy Birthday to her whenever she had her angry outbursts. She learned the song inside and out among other kind things to repeat like, “I love you” Lucky Lou, while at the refuge, fell in love with an elderly blind Umbrella Cockatoo like herself, named Dinky Doo, she became his eyes and ears, being a wonderful caretaker. Sadly Dinky Doo passed away.
Coco Meets Lucky Lou
Lucky Lou apparently continued to align herself with other birds who needed help. Enter Coco! Coco, a plucked Goffin Cockatoo found a friend in Lucky Lou, who accepted Coco and willingly took her into her fold. Both Lucky Lou and Coco were lacking many feathers, especially Coco. Sadly, the refuge came into difficulty and quickly became overcrowded, the owner fell ill and passed away. This left 560 birds homeless once again. Luckily, Dr. Anne McDonald of Night Owl Bird Hospital and a local rescue stepped in to help re-home all the birds left homeless when the refuge closed.
Second Chance and Lots of Love
In Jun 2015, Coco and Lucky Lou’s luck finally changed when Danita Morrison, who runs the online shop Things for Wings and owner of Avian Avenue, an online parrot help forum, heard about their situation and visited the inseparable pair. When she saw them huddling together in their cage, afraid of what was to come, she knew she had to adopt them both. So, they all went home together! Coco and Lucky Lou adjusted to their new home and life very well. They got to meet Newman, Danita’s African grey. Coco was determined to add to her and Lucky’s flock, so she started showing off for him. Coco loves Newman and she’ll do anything she can to get his attention, including dancing. There’s no shortage of entertainment for Lucky Lou and Coco as their happiness shows. Danita started sharing their story, photos and cool dance moves on social media and people just fell in love with their story and and their sweet and charismatic ways! Their new life consisted of yummy food like oranges, grapes, being picky about veggies, LOVING spaghetti and mashed potatoes. They loved to sleep and were cautious about anything new. Their new life was full of warmth, love and security. They are resilient birds and Danita discovered that Coco loved to dance! People around the world have enjoyed seeing Coco’s sweet dance moves on video and staying updated on how Lucky Lou and Coco were enjoying their new fabulous lives in a loving and safe home. Lucky Lou and Coco are now safe, loved and understood.
Best Friends Forever
Lucky Lou and Coco quickly got used to their new home and spent almost all of their time together. Danita, learning that Lucky Lou had lung cancer, just knew she had to give her the best life possible during the time she has left. Coco was right by Lucky Lou’s side the whole time, even when Lucky was getting her treatment in a nebulizer. Coco would stand by the nebulizer. Danita’s goal was to make Lucky’s life as comfortable and provide Coco with the safety and assurance she needed during this time. Lucky Lou and Coco have a beautiful life in spite of its challenges. Their social media following have helped provide encouragement and support during Lucky Lou’s illness. During hospital visits, Danita would take Coco to see Lucky. They stuck together. Coco would dance and kiss her best friend to make her feel better. During the day, Coco would cling to Danita missing her best friend while in the hospital. Danita would carry her everywhere on her shoulder to comfort her. When Danita held both birds at the hospital, Lucky Lou would wrap her wings around Coco. Best Friends Forever!
Saying Goodbye
However, after months of fighting her illness, our sweet Lucky Lou reached a point where she could no longer hold on, and sadly, June 23, 2017, she passed away.
When Lucky Lou passed, Danita brought Lucky to the house for Coco to say goodbye. When she was ready to say goodbye to her best friend, Coco took a moment to see her best friend who was wrapped in a blanket with flowers and then leaned down to give her one last kiss and say her final goodbye. It was a very special moment that will never be forgotten.
Lucky Lou's Legacy
Coco, since that time is learning her new way of life with love and safety in her new home and family and helping to carry on Lucky Lou’s legacy. Coco’s feathers are filling out nicely with plenty of fluffy feathers. Her fans have loved watching the growth reports as she works hard at growing her feathers back. She continues to thrive, is very happy and still loves to dance! She continues to flirt with Newman, hoping that he will finally become her boyfriend. Danita and Coco carry on Lucky Lou’s legacy through the LUCKY LOU LEGACY FUND, which helps keep her alive and helping others. You can donate to her cause by clicking here. We continue to celebrate Lucky Lou’s memory and also sweet Coco as she navigates life in her sweet, charming and endearing ways.
The New Life
Coco resides with a flock of parrots, Cookie Coojo, Kiwi, Little Lou, Newman, Miss Cyd, and Pink Floyd. They all have found fame in their own right.
Cookie Coojo is an Amazon Parrot, age unknown, he suffers from liver disease and serious arthritis in his feet. Coojo is very fearful and not hand tame. Coco can be a little much for Coojo, she wants to be his friend so bad! They are known for their tea parties which end in disaster, Coco steals his treats. Coojo first came to me, he liked to bite, hence the name. I now call him Cookie Coojo, to soften his personality up a bit.
Kiwi the Blue and Gold Macaw is over 20 years old. Kiwi is the princess of the house, she is always out first because she demands it. Kiwi loves to play children's games like "This little Piggy went to the market". She prefers not to hear the commotion of the cockatoos and lets the world know when she is displeased. She is a healthy strong macaw with no health issues.
Newman the Timneh African Grey is like the baby of the flock, age 12. He is the youngest and like a kid brother he likes to tease the big kids! Mostly he teases Miss Cyd! Newman can't stand if Cyd is doing something he is not, he must have the same. He enjoys watching cars like typical boys! Newman knows Coco is in love with him but would rather not. When they are together she wants to impress him badly, this is where all her shenanigans are the best. However they can't be too close or Coco tries to pull his tail. Newman is one of our best talkers, as he ages he uses words in context "Newman bedtime tired", he also has figured out the most obnoxious sounds of the house and will use them when displeased.
Miss Cyd is an African Grey, she has been with the flock about 4 years. Cyd has always led a charmed life, for her first 22 years she lived with her Dad who spoiled her as his only parrot. Sadly he passed away and she came to live with us. Cyd does not think she is a parrot, she wants nothing to do with the others. Miss Cyd is known for her floor adventures and is nicknamed the "Floor Troll" Both Coco and Newman like to tease her, the others want nothing to do with her.
Pink Floyd is our resident loud mouth. Another cockatoo who came 2019, he also was from the same refuge as Coco. He was a wing mutilator due to growths that bother his wing, he had a partial wing amputation. He now lives without a collar and is happy as a clam. Floyd can be pretty high strung at times, but sweet the other 90% of time. Pink Floyd is known for wearing hats! He loves the attention of fashion shows for his fans. Coco doesn't care for him much, but is very jealous of the attention he gets. She must be part of it.