Coco's Feathered First Aid Kit

Your Price: $30.00
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Part Number:165

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Coco's own first aid kit for birds!

Be prepared for emergencies.  Treat minor injuries or stabilize serious wounds before seeking professional help.


1 - 1” x 6 yd. Gauze Bandage (wrap wounds)
1 - 1/2” x 5 yd. Adhesive Tape
2 - 2” x 2” Gauze Pads (bandaging)
2 - 20 ml. Eye & Skin Wash (flush wounds)
1 - 1/2 fl. oz. Kiwik Stop Styptic Powder (toenail bleeding)
4 - Sterile Cotton Swabs (apply Styptic Powder)
2 - Antibacterial Hand Wipes
2 - Iodine Prep Pads (wounds)
2 - Alcohol Prep Pad
2 - Sterile Towel (For Clean Surface)
1 - Scissors 5” Stainless Steel
1 - Locking Forceps 5” Stainless Steel (blood feather)
1 - Pair Of Latex Gloves
2 - Hand Wipe
1 - Emergency Care Instructions
1 - Water Resistant Snap-lock Box

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