JukinMedia: Bird Dances to Music on Kitchen Counter
July 10, 2017
JukinMedia posted one of our videos on July 14, 2017 about Coco’s cute dancing on the kitchen counter. It was titled “Bird Dances to Music on Kitchen Counter” She’s a star!
IntMass Media Agency: Plucked Parrot Blew Up Facebook Funny Dancing
July 8, 2017
The International Mass Media Agency wrote an article on June 8, 2017 about Coco’s cute dance moves. The video was titled “Plucked Parrot Blew Up Facebook Funny Dancing”
The Holidog Times: Rescued Bird Loses Her Best, Finds Sweetest Way to Say Goodbye
June 28, 2017
The Holidog Times wrote an article in June 2017 titled “Rescued Bird Loses Her Best Friend But Finds The Sweetest Way to Say Goodbye”
The Dodo: Little Bird Says Goodbye to Her Best Friend With a Kiss
June 28, 2017
The Dodo featured an article on June 27, 2017 titled “Little Bird Says Goodbye to Her Best Friend With a Kiss”
The Animal Rescue Blog: Rescued Cockatoo Won’t Leave Her Best Friend’s Side
June 15, 2017
The Animal Rescue Blog wrote an article about Lucky Lou and Coco in June 2017 titled “Rescued Cockatoo Won’t Leave Her Best Friend’s Side During Cancer Treatment”
Lucky Lou Featured In John Steckley’s Book titled “Parrots, the Flock Among Us”
May 18, 2017
Lucky Lou has an entire chapter in John Steckley’s book titled “Parrots, The Flock Among Us.” John Steckley is an anthropologist, sociologist, prolific writer, and parrot enthusiast. More about his book can be read at Rock Mills Press. Congratulations Lucky Lou, your legacy lives on.
The Dodo: Bird Visits Sick Friend in Hospital to Give Her Kisses
May 12, 2017
The Dodo featured an article on May 12, 2017 titled “Bird Visits Sick Friend in Hospital To Give Her Kisses”
The Dodo: Rescued Bird Won’t Leave Side of Friend Going Through Cancer Treatment
May 1, 2017
The Dodo featured an article on May 1, 2017 titled “Rescued Bird Won’t Leave Side of Friend Going Through Cancer Treatment”